
Redwall JSMs polycarboxylate superplasticizer

Column:Product introduction Time:2021-07-22


Product:Poly carboxylate sodium salt (PCE), Star structure polycarboxylate   


-Improves the flow properties of the concrete mix by dispersing the particles 

 and breaking up agglomeration by electrostatic repulsion. 

-It is a potential high-range. Mid-range and low-range water reducer for the 

 ready-mix and precast markets.

-Compared to many PCEs on the market, it is less sensitive to the cement with 

 high water reducing ability. While providing good retention.

-Improves the rheological and mechanical properties of concrete such as 

 workability, compressive and flexural strengths, modulus of elasticity. 

Properties                                       Unit                    Specification

Solids content                              % w/w                      38-40

pH of 10% solution                                                      5.0-6.0

Properties                                       Unit                      Typical

General appearance                                          colorless-light yellow

Ionic nature                                                               anionic

Chlorides (as Cl-)                            ppm                      <25

Solubility                                                   dilutes rapidly in hard or soft water


-Intended principally for precast applications where high water reduction 

 and high early strength as required.

-High and ultra-high performance concrete-Self-compacting Concrete

-Pumped concrete- Pervious

-Marine concrete-Gunite concrete

-Architectural concrete-Blended cement concrete

-Lightweight concrete-High and ultra-high performance concrete


-Very High strength       

-High early strength

-Good workability         

-Low water-to-cement ratio, down to 0.3 and less

-Reduced cement and reduced carbon footprint

-Good durability and sustainability


All products from the REDWALL JSM family are based on the same 

polycarboxylate ether polymers. 

-is the original product from the series

-does not contant any antifoaming agent.


-Normal dosage rate: 40-650ml per 100kg of cement

-Other dosages may be required depending on specific conditions

-Redwall PCEs fluidified concrete remains workable for approximately

 90 minutes at 20oC 

-Duration of workability also depends on:

-type of cement-nature of aggregates 

-method of mixing-method of transportation 

-ambient temperature

-When added at normal dosages, it will not significantly affect the concrete’s 

 hydration heat   

Packaging, Storage   

-supplied in 225kg drums, in 1000kg totes, or in bulk 

and Handling: 

-storage at room temperature is recommended

-Recommended storage period: not exceeding 6 months

-Mildly acidic material            

-Manipulate safely


Warranty Statement:  

the information given here is based on our best knowledge, and we believe 

it to be true and accurate. We assume no responsibility for use of these 

statements, recommendation or suggestions, nor do we intend them as a 

recommendation for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright.

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